Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This blogging thing ain't so bad.

It feels good to get these thoughts on paper(virtual paper).

So, the wife and I decide we are just going to grow whatever we can and see what happens.  I grabbed all the used planters and flats I have saved over the years.  I cleaned and disinfected all of them and got ready for planting.

We went off to the store and grabbed tons of seeds,starter soil, and some more planters.  We grabbed all the "must have" perennial and annual seeds.  We should have a good start.  Now we are in early March, and I am lucky. I actually wrote down almost everything I have done since. We are talking what seeds, when,how many, all sorts of info.  Its almost like a diary, but less fruity.  Well sorta fruity, it is about gardening.

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